miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Judgment of Case State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee

Case No. 18/2016: State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC – Ma Ha Na)


Dear Prosecutor, Public Defender, Ambassador and Jury Members of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee (IBEC) and Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights (BTHR), regarding the case against the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na), hereby, on August 23, 2016, it is set down on record that the Case 18-2016 of the Buddhist Tribunal has concluded to analyze the Human Rights violation carried out by the accused. This case has been conducted as a result of previous cases as is the Case 02-2015 against the government of Myanmar, but also from the Case 01-2015 against Ashin Wirathu where it was determined that the PATRIOTIC ASSOCIATION OF MYANMAR (MA BA THA ) acted with the complicity of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na).
Having analyzed the presentation of the case and validation of the vast amount of evidence, it has proceeded with the unanimous vote of 7 members of the Jury, all of whom have sentenced the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) as "Responsible" for the serious crimes of FALSE BUDDHISM and VIOLATION OF THE BUDDHIST LEGAL CODE (VINAYA), OPPRESSION and ILLEGAL DETENTIONS AGAINST THE BUDDHIST SANGHA, COMPLICITY WITH DISCRIMINATION, VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND CHILD, VIOLATION ON FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF TRIBAL and INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND PEACE, COMPLICITY WITH GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSING.
The actions of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) have produced enormous damage against Buddhism, but also against autochthonous communities like the Rohingya People, by promoting oppression, discrimination, violation of human rights, authoritarianism, corruption, impunity, kidnapping, torture, unlawful imprisonment, censorship, social segregation, cultural cleansing and even mass killings. These terrible actions prove that members of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) have breached both the ethical and spiritual precepts of the Buddhist People as well as international Human Rights instruments. Even though nowadays the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) has publicly distanced itself from the PATRIOTIC ASSOCIATION OF MYANMAR (MA BA THA) due to a change of government occurred, justice should not operate according to the swaying of the political circumstances, neither the facts of the past may remain unpunished.
In accordance with the organization Human Rights Watch, the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights confirms that many of those who have generated violence between Buddhic People and the Islamic Community have been fake monks (singang woot), being rather soldiers or governmental agents disguised as bhikkhus, as is the case of Ashin Wirathu. However, it is also clarified that many others have been members of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na). By allying with the dictatorial government of Myanmar, which was responsible for carrying out genocide and crimes against humanity, the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) has totally perverted the Buddhist Spirituality, just as Christianity did it when it allied with the Roman Empire. The Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights considers that spiritual movements should never be allied with military governments, since this fact inherently contradicts the pacifist position of the great spiritual masters of history, like Gautama and Jesus. As a result of this ethical perversion, State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) has co-participated with the military dictatorship in Myanmar in violating the human rights, betraying the teachings of Gautama and the Buddhist Law (Vinaya). Buddhist Spirituality has the mission and Purpose (Dharma) to save the whole world, creating a Pure Earth of justice and love, so that any movement that threatens this humanitarian objective and is based on greed, hatred and delusion is a False Buddhism. Therefore, any Buddhist group that is related to the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na), even if it is only on an intellectual or academic level, will remain a silent accomplice to these heinous violations of Buddhist Ethics and Human rights, which have unfortunately led to the first Buddhist genocide in the history of humankind. Certainly, the worst of all possible hells is that in which a Buddhist individual systematically inflicts damage to other living beings.
The Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights recognizes that Buddhism should maintain the purity of its community, defending its autonomy, self-determination and freedom, because when States politically influence or economically control the Buddhist commune (sangha) it is started a Path of a cultural perversion, whose consequences are the Buddhist leaders' complicity with governmental acts. Only by maintaining the strength of political, legal and cultural institutions of Buddhic People is that it can be avoided to fall into the perversion of governmental control or interference over the spiritual commune (sangha). Thus, the case of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) is a great teaching for humanity, because it shows perfectly what the fate of Spirituality is when it allows to be governmentally controlled. Instead, when Spirituality remains itself independent from governmental control it can then deploy all the libertarian power of compassionate wisdom (prajna-karuna).
Following the Way of Master Gautama, who created an autonomous and revolutionary community, the task of the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights is to be the ethical supervisor of the world, ensuring that the Buddhist commune (sangha) at international level is not perverted, so that the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) has been denounced and sentenced for the charges of FALSE BUDDHISM and VIOLATION OF THE BUDDHIST LEGAL CODE (VINAYA), OPPRESSION and ILLEGAL DETENTIONS AGAINST THE BUDDHIST SANGHA, COMPLICITY WITH DISCRIMINATION, VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND CHILD, VIOLATION ON FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF TRIBAL and INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND PEACE, COMPLICITY WITH GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSING.
This Ethical Judgment is evidence that the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (SSMNC - Ma Ha Na) attempts against the Buddhist Ethics and Human Rights, constituting the highest perversion and attack against Buddhist Spirituality in 2600 years of history.

Sincerely, with a spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Buddhist Master Maitreya
Spiritual Guide and President of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee (IBEC) & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights (BTHR)

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