

sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018

Judgment on Academia.edu

CASE 49-2018: Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price


Dear Prosecutor, Public Defender, Ambassador and Jury Members of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee (IBEC) and Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights (BTHR), regarding Case 49-2018 against "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price", on October 16, 2018, it is hereby recorded that the trial has been concluded to analyze the violation of Human Rights and of Buddhist Ethics by the accused. This Case has been carried out as a consequence of the Deepak Rao Case.
After analyzing the presentation of the Case and the validation of evidence, the Tribunal has proceeded with the voting of 8 members of the Jury, confirming that there was 1 vote of "Innocent" and 7 votes of "Responsible" to "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" for the serious crimes of Human Rights Violation and Attack against the Rights of Buddhist Peoples.
The International Buddhist Ethics Committee has been able to verify that "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" has committed international crimes. In the first place, "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" has carried out acts of censorship, violating the individual and collective human rights of the Buddhist Sangha, which in the eyes of International Law constitutes a violation of the rights of indigenous peoples and tribal communities. Secondly, "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" has disrespected the Buddhist cultural heritage, not only through censorship but also through the lack of respect to the legal and spiritual activities of the Sangha, which constitutes violations of the rights of Buddhist peoples. Third, "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" has carried out fraudulent activities which are opposed to the spirit of science, academic research and advanced education. In this way, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" has carried out Human Rights Violation and Attack against the Rights of Buddhist Peoples. Therefore, every member of Buddhism is advised to eliminate their accounts within the company "Academia.edu".
The Maitriyana teaches a perception of advanced education that detaches itself from all greed for monetary gain, since schools and academic spheres of dissemination of knowledge should never function as capitalist companies, since it is not the same to obtain money to live in comparison to live to get money. In this sense, the perennial philosophical tradition of compassionate wisdom (karuna-prajña), within which the Buddhist Law stands out, invites one to reconsider advanced education as one of the four pillars in order to create a better world. Thus, world peace, social justice, advanced education and environmental health help the human being to understand how one can live with freedom, equality and fraternity, without being a prisoner of the State or a prisoner of technological corporations. This libertarian pathway of Maitriyana has the capabilty of reunifying and reconstructing the etire world. However, this evolution of social thought developed by the Buddhist Law is not something new and postmodern, but is a Path of learning that goes back to the ethical and spiritual movements created by Gautama and Confucius 2600 years ago. Advanced education is then a radical, libertarian, progressive and humanistic development of both mind and society. Although the ordinary universities and the academic fields supposedly contribute to education, they would not actually help the pathway of advanced education, since all their efforts are conjugated toward material and commercial success goals. Therefore, unlike Maitriyana, the ordinary universities and academic areas do not contribute to solving the great evils of the world, including ignorance. Consequently, the Buddhist Law never forgets that the ultimate goal of advanced education is the evolution of humanity, emphasizing the perennial traditions of compassionate wisdom (karuna-prajña) that achieve the self-realization of the true human being, especially the pathways led by Gautama and Confucius whose insights can transform global education through the education of humanitarianism (ren) and appropriate behavior (li), whose result reaches the superior form of the human being. On the other hand, the States and technological companies that become greedy and unscrupulous follow an involuted path for the human being, developing the dangerous acquisition of knowledge without ethics. For its part, the Maitriyana follows the pathway of Gautama and Confucius, so that its ideal goal is that every person becomes a compassionate sage, a spiritual master or Free and Enlightened Being (Arhat-Bodhisattva) who has reached the peak knowledge (satori) on the Sense and Purpose (Dharma) of the entire Universe. Due to this state of self-realization and self-transcendence the compassionate sage follows the Way (Tao) of Humanitarianism (Ren), developing all the potentialities or true nature of the human being, so that he or she can be considered as an Evolved Human Being (Jun Zi). This is precisely the Homo Pacificus that is able to fully live with active contemplation, compassionate wisdom (zhi-ren) and humanitarian ethics. Therefore, for Gautama and Confucius the Evolved Human Being (Jun Zi) is not someone who has inherited an aristocratic position of nobility and economic power, but rather it is someone who follows the Noble Eightfold Path, living a virtuous existence, appropriate behavior (li) and Humanitarianism (Ren), which are the values and goals of the advanced education defended by the Buddhist Law. Thus, the compassionate sages are not only in harmony with the Order or Way (Tao) of the Universe, but are also in harmony with themselves and with all other sentient beings, because it is the very incarnation of the Truth, Good and Beauty. The Maitriyana seeks to educate each human being to become a compassionate sage, who is the human being that is in full communion with the Universe, with Nature and with Society, which is a process of external transformation but simultaneously it is the key to inner happiness. In this way, in spite of his or her psychic and cultural superiority, the Evolved Human Being (Jun Zi) feels great Responsibility and social commitment for everything happening in the world, being a compassionate sage who is never satisfied with simply accumulating knowledge but who feels deeply driven to help others. This shows that advanced education should not aim to produce intellectuals, but should try to guide people to have bravery (yong) and fight persistently for a better world, overcoming all adversities to purify mind and society by means of the practice of love. By following the path of Gautama and Confucius, the Buddhist Law considers that every human being can live a righteous existence to become an Evolved Human Being (Jun Zi), although without learning and practice of appropriate behavior (li) and wisdom with compassion (zhi-ren) it would be impossible to reach this spiritual level of self-realization and self-transcendence of human being. In this way, the teachings of Gautama and Confucius transmitted by the Maitriyana guide humanity to become such potentiality that it could become, teaching to be a true human being, a compassionate sage who builds an altruistic and humanitarian civilization, instead of teaching how to earn money and power within a materialistic and destructive civilization.
In conclusion, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee has the Purpose (Dharma) to protect the Buddhist cultural heritage of the Great Master Gautama, developing ethics that always meets the Human Right to World Peace, social justice, advanced education and environmental health. The Purpose (Dharma) of the Maitriyana spiritual movement is to protect these values of compassionate wisdom by ethically judging and sentencing those who commit international crimes against Spirituality. Following the Master Gautama, who developed the most cultured and educated international community in the history of the world, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee supervises companies not to attempt against ethics, human rights and Buddhist teachings, never attacking the Spiritual Communities (Sanghas), reason by which "Academia.edu & CEO Richard Price" has been sentenced as Responsible for Human Rights Violation and Attack against the Rights of Buddhist Peoples.

With spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
President and Spiritual Judge of the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Proclamation on the President of India

CASE 47-2018: Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group “Tao Zen Dojo” & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy  & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies
Proclamation on the President of India

December 6th, 2018
Dear H.E. Shri Ram Nath Kovind,
The International Buddhist Ethics Committee & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights,
Considering that Major Deepak Rao has been declared Responsible for the Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of the Buddhist Peoples, Violation of the Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism, Crimes against Peace, High Treason against the Dharma, Supreme Offense against the International Morality and the Sanctity of Life, and Human Rights Violation;
Recalling that Deepak Rao has been expelled as a member of the United Buddhist Nations Organization (UBNO), since this individual has carried out acts of misbehavior, defamation and even falsely claiming to be a Buddhist Master, in addition to the fact that Deepak Rao shows signs of paranoia and is also leading a paramilitary group that teaches to kill people, all of which constitutes a perversion within Buddhism;
Deeply concerned that Deepak Rao and his paramilitary group continue to attack the International Buddhist Community through cyber attacks, committing defamation acts and false accusations to generate discrimination, hatred and hysteria within Buddhism, all of which are violent attacks against peace and the integrity of the Buddhist Community but that also represent a huge damage to the reputation of the Indian Army, which has previously been asked to investigate and cancel the honorary degree of Major given to this individual;
Aware that the UBNO Constitution declares that those Buddhist Communities promoting violence shall be considered as terrorist organizations, so that the Supreme Council of World Peace decided that Major Deepak Rao and his paramilitary organization constitute a terrorist group;
Taking into consideration that there is international jurisprudence which demonstrates that cyber attacks constitute terrorist acts;
Analyzing that there is international jurisprudence showing that any attack against religious temples can be considered as terrorist acts and even war crimes, as is the case of the destruction of international cultural heritage analyzed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) during the trial against Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi;
Examining that Major Deepak Rao has signed on multiple occasions that he accepted the jurisdiction of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee to resolve internal conflicts within the Buddhist Community, although he later decided to attack the Ethics Committee through threats and defamations;
Bearing in mind that the International Buddhist Ethics Committee is protected by ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples;
Showing consternation at the fact that Major Deepak Rao ignores that the International Buddhist Ethics Committee is protected by international human rights instruments, such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 2007 (articles 5, 34 and 40 ) of which India is a signatory country;
I.                  It is confirmed the fact that the International Buddhist Ethics Committee is constitutionally legal in India to resolve its internal affairs since it is a Panchayat system or self-government of the Buddhist Community.
II.               It is denounced the terrible fact that the International Buddhist Community is systematically attacked by a paramilitary member of the Indian Army.
III.           It is again declared that the Indian Army should immediately cancel Deepak Rao's Major degree, by recommending that this individual is subjected to psychiatric assessments and that he is not allowed to train members of the Army.
IV.           It is stated that individuals like Ashin Wirathu and Major Deepak Rao want to destroy Buddhism, seeking to infiltrate themselves within Buddhist Communities in order to pervert spiritual integrity through their defamations and hate speech.
V.              Major Deepak Rao is condemned as Responsible for Terrorism.
VI.           This Ethical Proclamation is invoked as an act of justice in the face of violations of International Buddhist Law and violations of International Human Rights Law, including invoking articles on fundamental rights of the very Constitution of India which Major Deepak Rao would be violating: article 19 Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech; article 25 Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion; article 26 Freedom to manage religious Affairs; article 30 Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.
VII.       It is stated that in the event that the Indian Army decides to protect and provide impunity for the attacks of Major Deepak Rao, then legal action will be taken against the Indian Army for human rights violations.
VIII.    Intervention by the President of India is requested in order to reach an adequate peaceful resolution of the conflicts.

This document was written twenty six centuries after the creation of the Buddhist Community.

H.E. Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
President and Judge of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

DECREE on Martial Arts Hall of Fame

CASE 47-2018: Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group “Tao Zen Dojo” & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy  & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies

DECREE on Martial Arts Hall of Fame
November 26, 2018
HAVING SEEN the Judgment and the subsequent proceedings of the "Major Deepak Rao Case" made by the International Buddhist Ethics Committee, ruling that Tao Zen Dojo & UCCA Commando Combat Academy are Responsible for the charges of Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of Buddhist Peoples, Violation of Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism and Crimes against Peace;
The post-Sentence proceedings dictate the Responsibility of Major Deepak Rao and his paramilitary organization in carrying out Violation of Cultural Heritage, High Treason against the Dharma, Supreme Offense against International Morality and the Sanctity of Life, and Human Rights Violation;
Major Deepak Rao not only shows features of Paranoia, but also his delusions have led him to believe that he is a Zen Master and Psychoanalyst despite the fact of not possessing such qualifications;
Major Deepak Rao & Tao Zen Dojo have been expelled as members of the United Buddhist Nations Organization (UBNO), not only for bad behavior and attacks against the International Buddhist Community (Maha-Sangha), but also because this individual is carrying out paramilitary activities teaching to kill people, which violates both the Buddhist Ethics and the principles of Martial Arts;
In compliance with the UBNO Constitution, the Supreme Council of World Peace declared that Major Deepak Rao's organizations, such as Tao Zen Dojo and UCCA Commando Combat Academy, are terrorist organizations because of the fact that they promote violence;
Deepak Rao's activities violate both the justice of Buddhist Law and the principles of Jeet Kune Do;
The International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association has a Martial Arts Hall of Fame where, regrettably, Deepak Rao is a member;
Therefore, it is DECREED:
ARTICLE 1.- Reproving the International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association for guaranteeing Deepak Rao's membership, which is a validation of his paramilitary activities that betray all the ethical and philosophical principles of Martial Arts.
ARTICLE 2.- Ordering the International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association to stop supporting Deepak Rao, by removing him from his Hall of Fame.
ARTICLE 3.- Inviting again the International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association to follow the compassionate teachings and the ethical example of Buddhism, in order to never betray the respect for Peace that the Martial Arts possess.
Always with spirit reconciliation (maitri),
H.E. Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
President and Judge of the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

Pronouncement on INTERPOL

CASE 47-2018: Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group “Tao Zen Dojo” & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy  & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies
Pronouncement on INTERPOL

November 25, 2018
Dear President Kim Jong Yang,
With regards to the message sent by Deepak Rao (uccamumbai@gmail.com) to Interpol,
First, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that based on numerous evidences of bad behavior and paramilitarism, Deepak Rao has received an ethical judgment within the Buddhist Community, reason why he and his organization were investigated and expelled as members of the United Buddhist Nations Organization (UBNO);
Second, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee continues to denounce that Deepak Rao is Responsible for Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of Buddhist Peoples, Violation of the Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism and Crimes against Peace;
Third, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee manifests itself again about the Violation of Cultural Heritage that Deepak Rao has committed after fraudulently and publicly having called himself as Zen Master and Psychoanalyst, despite the fact that he does not possess any kind of knowledge in those disciplines, carrying out this same usurpation with the alleged possession of a Degree in Law;
Fourth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee denounces the fact that Deepak Rao leads a paramilitary group that teaches to kill people, which constitutes a High Treason against the Dharma, which is explicitly forbidden by the Buddhist Ethics and Law, being a Supreme Offense against the International Morality and the Sanctity of Life and a Violation of the Human Right to Peace as well;
Fifth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee denounces that Deepak Rao suffers from obvious symptoms of Paranoia, which has led the Committee to request the annulment of his honorary rank of Major in the Indian Army, since he has a series of absurd and delirious beliefs because he believes he is being a victim of an international conspiracy led by a Buddhist Master in order to defraud him, all of which emerged from a Zen Course where he refused to carry out a research project, so that the Interpol should be careful in following the delusions of persecution on the part of this individual with paranoid psychosis;
Sixth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that although Deepak Rao has questioned about the validity of the jurisdiction of the Buddhist Committee and Tribunal to the INTERPOL, both he himself and his organization have previously accepted the jurisdiction of the Buddhist Committee and Tribunal on several previous occasions, because when joining the UBNO they signed the UBNO Constitution, the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Buddhist Peoples and Spiritual Communities, and also the Internal Law of the Maitriyana Buddhist Community, and therefore in such legal instruments there is a validation of the jurisdiction of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee as a means of resolving conflicts;
Seventh, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that the UBNO Constitution clearly states that those Buddhist communities promoting violence will be considered as terrorist organizations, which is why it can be perfectly applied to the paramilitary organization of Deepak Rao, especially bearing in mind his constant attacks against the Buddhist cultural heritage and the integrity of the International Buddhist Community (Maha-Sangha);
Eighth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that the Buddhist Committee and Tribunal is protected by international human rights treaties, such as the 169th International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (1989), the Declaration of United Nations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (articles 5, 34 and 40, of 2007), and the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2016);
Ninth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that the Buddhist Committee & Tribunal is not a court of Criminal Law or Civil Law, but is a court of Buddhist Law and restorative ethical justice that follows the ancient model of Tribal Law, reason by which it does not require any kind of endorsement by the States in order to develop its Buddhist spiritual activities;
Tenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that it expresses its total solidarity with INTERPOL faced with the kidnapping and disappearance of its former president Meng Hongwei, who was recently illegally detained in China, which merits rejection from the Human Rights organizations and the Buddhist Ethics;
Eleventh, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that INTERPOL should not fail to protect its own president, so it should not accept the alleged resignation of its former President Meng Hongwei, since this denunciation – like any kind of confession – it would be inadmissible since it happened in the context of an arbitrary detention and most certainly it would not even have been written by Meng Hongwei, which is a position of the Buddhist Committee and Tribunal that is also shared by Ronald Noble, former Secretary General of Interpol;
Twelfth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that INTERPOL should conduct an investigation against the Chinese authorities that have made this violation of Meng Hongwei's fundamental rights and freedoms, since in case of providing impunity to China this would strengthen the illegal and undemocratic Path of totalitarian governments around the world, violating all the main ideas of Natural Law;
Thirteenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that China is carrying out arbitrary detentions in a systematic and widespread way, even illegally detaining a million Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang region, also carrying out the forced disappearance of human rights activists and torture of prisoners, as was denounced by Human Rights Watch;
Fourteenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that according to Human Rights Watch, INTERPOL has not responded to investigations showing that China abuses the use of Interpol red notices, harassing and detaining family members of political opponents or corruption suspects in order to force them to return to China and then be detained, even systematically using torture, which obviously means acts of extortion or illegal punishment against people for the alleged actions of others;
Fifteenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that Xie Weidong, former judge of the Supreme People's Court, has been harassed by the Chinese government in order to return from Canada, being extorted by means of illegal detention and torture of his family, as is the case of his sister and son;
Sixteenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that China's use of Interpol's red notices to persecute political dissidents would be a violation of Interpol's Article 4, which prohibits political intervention;
Seventeenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that Interpol should have effective mechanisms to prevent its members from abusing the use of red alerts against political dissidents and human rights activists, especially if they are member States with corrupt justice systems;
Eighteenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that Transparency International organization has studied the 7600 red alerts of Interpol in 2010, concluding that half of them come from the most corrupt countries in the world, while Freedom House organization concluded that 2200 red alerts came from countries that do not provide political rights or civil liberties;
Nineteenth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that the INTERPOL staff should be composed of officials who are experts in human rights and not mere government officials, because in this way it would prevent them from following the perverse way of realpolitik, which always puts political and economic interests over ethics and human rights, since it should be avoided betraying the commitment assumed by the INTERPOL Constitution to comply with the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
Twentieth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that the Buddhist Tribunal has evidence that some member states of INTERPOL, such as Argentina, China, Eritrea, Iran, Myanmar, Pakistan, Syria, Thailand and Venezuela, are carrying out crimes against humanity with total impunity, which is why Interpol is required to conduct an internal investigation to determine if those members are committing violations of International Human Rights Law, which is obviously a violation of the Interpol Constitution;
Finally, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms that in case that Interpol decides to pay attention to the delusions of the paramilitary leader Deepak Rao and decides to initiate legal acts against the International Buddhist Community (Maha-Sangha), this would be a profound violation of the rights of spiritual communities, and would also be a violation of Article 3 of the very Interpol Constitution, which prohibits the organization from carrying out any activity or intervention of a religious nature.

Always with spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
Judge and President of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights