

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018


Case No. 39/2018: Tom B. Clark


On March 7, 2018, an International Act of Repudiation was made to the PSYCHOLOGY TODAY company, as the evidence analyzed by the International Buddhist Ethics Committee showed that Tom B. Clark had carried out acts of fraud and Scams by means of the diffusion of false academic titles in PSYCHOLOGY TODAY website. In addition, PSYCHOLOGY TODAY company claimed to have "verified Tom B. Clark", which is also something fraudulent because the company never contacted Maitriyana Buddhist University to confirm whether this supposed therapist had graduated there. In fact, Maitriyana Buddhist University contacted the company PSYCHOLOGY TODAY to confirm that the account of Tom B. Clark was committing a crime and academic fraud, although this company never decided to make any response.
Therefore, it is confirmed that PSYCHOLOGY TODAY company has not only assisted this false psychologist, Tom B. Clark, in the commission of his crimes, but has also decided to continue to keep this scammer within the PSYCHOLOGY TODAY web page. Ergo, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee rules that PSYCHOLOGY TODAY is committing complicity with criminal acts as long as it supports and keeps active the profile of the swindler Tom B. Clark.

Always with spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
President and Judge of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

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