

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2018

PRONOUNCEMENT on Violation of the Human Right to Life

Case 27/2017: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) 

PRONOUNCEMENT on Violation of the Human Right to Life

June 21, 2018
In the first place, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee denounces the terrible demagogy of the Argentine government of President Macri, which has decided to create the legislation to decriminalize abortion in order to generate a public debate that diverts the attention of the media regarding the chronic economic crisis that Argentina is suffering.
Secondly, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee denounces the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for continuing to show an attitude of violation of human rights to life, peace and integrity, after having declared that the human embryo is not a person.
Third, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee dictates that women's rights are not above the rights of the unborn child, recalling the fact that there is no valid reason to abort as long as there is the right to give the child for adoption, since if the child is the product of rape or if there are possibilities of being born with an illness, the mother is always free to deliver the child to the care of others instead of simply deciding to murder the baby and cut his/her life project.
Fourth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee supports the approach of the argentine economist Javier Milei, who in the name of the liberal tradition spoke out against abortion for violating the main of three principles that are defended by Liberalism: the right to life, to freedom and to property.
Fifth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee denounces the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for declaring that it is inadmissible to grant the condition of person to the embryo, this being a violation of international treaties that the IACHR allegedly seeks to defend, such as the American Convention on Human Rights that affirms that every person has the right to have his life respected and this right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception.
Sixth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee denounces the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for misinterpreting the letter of the Convention, stating that the human embryo would not be a person, which provides one of the worst legal precedents that there can be, since it would enable then not only abortion but also the experimentation with human embryos, because if they are not people then they would not have human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Seventh, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee confirms the absolute non-existence of the right to abortion, which is an invention of corrupt politicians and the media that despise the intrinsic dignity of human life, its Buddhic-nature or its natural rights, confirming that effectively every woman has the right to reproductive autonomy and to access reproductive health services as long as this does not imply the homicide of the child, since freely and responsibly deciding the number of her children and the size of her family can be solved adequately through the compassionate resource of adoption instead of resorting to the inhuman resource of abortion.
Eighth, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee agrees with Pope Francis I that abortion is a method very similar to the eugenics used by Nazism.
All these eight points demonstrate that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights violates human rights to life, peace and integrity, violating both the Argentine Constitution that considers the embryo as a person, but also violating the very American Convention on Human Rights that protects life from the moment of conception.

Always with spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
H.E. Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
Judge and President of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee

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