

domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Legal Act on Dr Milind Jiwane

Case 25-2017: Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation Nagpur (India) & Jeewak Welfare Society

Legal Act on Dr Milind Jiwane

Dear H.H. Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero and Ven. Sanghasena,
On January 18, a Legal Act on International Repudiation to the "Sakyamuni Buddha International Award" given by the Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation Nagpur (India) & Jeewak Welfare Society is issued, because this institution has been sentenced as Responsible for Violation of Buddhist Law and Complicity with Spiritual Fraud and False Buddhism. During the ethics trial it has been proved that Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation Nagpur (India) & Jeewak Welfare Society has refused to cancel the award given to the swindler called "Ronald Lloyd Spencer". Dr Milind Jiwane, President of Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation Nagpur (India) & Jeewak Welfare Society, has claimed in a lying way that Buddhism and Indian law prohibit cancelling a prize. After the "Responsible" Sentence of Violation of Buddhist Law and Complicity with Spiritual Fraud and False Buddhism, Dr Milind Jiwane communicated with the Prosecutor of the Ethics Committee making threats, also stating that he will only follow the "Law of India "and will never follow the "illegal path" of Buddhist Law.
Therefore, it is confirmed the fact that "Sakyamuni Buddha International Award" constitutes a spurious and immoral prize, having to annul all prizes awarded. Thus, H.H. Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero and Ven. Sanghasena should destroy or immediately return the prize they have received from Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation Nagpur (India) & Jeewak Welfare Society, Institution that is Responsible for Violation of Buddhist Law and Complicity with Spiritual Fraud and False Buddhism.
Always with a spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha

President and Judge of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee and Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

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