

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Judgment on Major Deepak Rao & Tao Zen Dojo

CASE 47-2018: Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group “Tao Zen Dojo” & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy  & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies


Dear Prosecutor, Public Defender, Ambassador and Jury Members of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee (IBEC) and Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights (BTHR), regarding Case 47-2018 against "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies", on November 4, 2018, it is hereby recorded that the trial has been concluded in order to analyze the violation of Human Rights and of Buddhist Ethics carried out by the accused party. This case has been carried out as a result of a claim made by the UBNO.
After the analysis of the presentation of the Case and the validation of evidence, the Committee proceeded with the voting of 6 members of the Jury, confirming that there were 6 votes to "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" as Responsible for the serious crimes of Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of Buddhist Peoples, Violation of the Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism and Crimes against Peace.
The International Buddhist Ethics Committee has found that the accused, called "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies", has committed serious violations of Buddhist Law. In the first place, the accused has manifested clear symptoms of Paranoia, which is a very serious type of psychosis based on absurd and totally delirious ideas that produce a violent mistrust in others, even generating disrespect toward Buddhist masters and delegitimizing spiritual communities (sanghas), which is a violation of the Internal Law of Maitriyana Buddhist Community that the accused had previously signed. Second, the accused violated the most basic and fundamental Buddhist ethical precepts, resorting to defamation and lying in his attacks against the UBNO, and also falsely claiming to be a Zen Master despite not even possessing an introductory knowledge in this Buddhist discipline, which implies that its actions are a fraud and a violation of the Buddhist cultural heritage. Third, the accused claims to be a Buddhist organization, when it is actually a paramilitary organization that trains military personnel by using weapons and war techniques to kill other people, which not only violates the essential ethical precept of non-violence of the Buddhist Law, but also violates the Constitution of the UBNO which the accused signed and where it is clarified the prohibition to participate and support military and war activities, because even Article 22 of the Constitution of the UBNO affirms that Buddhist Communities that promote violence will be considered as terrorist organizations. Fourth, the accused has signed and then breached the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Buddhist Peoples and Buddhist Communities, since he has disrespected the human right of the Sanghas to teach, evaluate and prosecute their members. Fifth, the accused has signed and then breached the Internal Law of the Maitriyana Buddhist Community, since he has ignored the International Buddhist Ethics Committee as a means to resolve conflicts between students and the School. The act of actively participating in military and war activities, even teaching to carry out assassinations, are acts that constitute the worst betrayal of the Dharma. In short, to follow the path of the Awakened Being (Buddha) is to follow the path of the King of Peace (Santiraja), and this essential lesson demonstrates the High Treason to Dharma by the accused "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies", violating both Buddhist Law and the human right to peace. In this way, it is recalled that the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights, in the Judgment on the "Norwegian Nobel Committee Case", has established that the Buddhist Law is in total contradiction with war, which is illegal and is the denial of the human rights, so that it is prohibited by both the Nuremberg Tribunal as well as by the Charter of the United Nations, because war violates the Purpose (Dharma) of humanity even when it is developed under the name of holy wars, just wars, ethical wars, humanitarian wars or compassionate wars. In fact, the Buddhist Law affirms that the justification of war is also a criminal act that contradicts the mission of creating a Buddhist Civilization of peace and solidarity to all sentient beings of the world. In short, the fundamental norm of the Buddhist Law is the prohibition of weapons, violence and war, having to abandon the conquest by means of armies to replace it by the conquest through the Law.
On the other hand, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee offers the following criminological analysis in order to explain the real motivations of the accused. Because "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" is a military organization and does not actually constitute a true Buddhist organization, Paranoia would be a normal pattern of consciousness within this group, because in fact Paranoia is a psychic state that keeps soldiers alive during the battle by suspecting absolutely everything. In addition, Paranoia makes soldiers to consider all other people as possible enemies, excepting obviously the members of their group. Therefore, the accused "Major Deepak Rao" and the members of the "Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" have shown Paranoia patterns during their registration to the Buddhist University, as well as during the evaluation process. The accused party is clearly characterized by the presence of self-referential delusions, because it has a disorder of delusional ideas and misperceptions disconnected from reality, resorting to unfounded beliefs of both greatness and persecution. The accused firmly believes that his leaders have legitimacy within Buddhism and within the armed forces, showing certain types of proud and simultaneously distrustful personalities, because the accused's Paranoia causes them to be invaded by a state of existential insecurity, which leads to elaborate complex psychic frameworks and self-sufficient behaviors in order to try to control any environment that surrounds them. For example, the Paranoia of the "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" is evident in the imagination of plots against them, which culminate in attacks of verbal aggression toward their supposed enemies. The accused's Paranoia is a systematic behavior, producing the exaggerated development of narcissism to alleviate a low self-esteem or insignificant condition of life. The mental mechanism used by "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" would be projection, through which paranoid psychotics transfer their own mistakes, contradictions, crimes, fantasies, impulses and frustrations to others, so that dealing with this kind of person is unbearable. Accused's Paranoia is easily detectable because it follows patterns of behaviors characterized by a constant state of alertness, rancor and revenge, even avoiding learning, since the paranoids believe that in this way they will prevent their possible enemies from using information to hurt them. The Paranoia of "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" involves deep feelings and thoughts of fear and anxiety, which is related to the fixed idea and irrational perception that the UBNO is persecuting them, threatening them and conspiring against them, even though evidence proves they are wrong, because nothing can convince a paranoid psychotic that what he or she feels or thinks is wrong. The Paranoia of the accused makes him isolate himself from other people, reason why he does not really belong to the control of the Indian army, being rather a paramilitary organization that does not respond to the ethical and legal guidelines of the State of India. The accused's Paranoia is characterized by totally exaggerated thoughts of suspicion, such as believing that he is being cheated out of money when in fact he is being assigned a humanitarian practice at no cost. Indeed, in the Paranoia of "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" their fears are amplified, becoming the center of a threatening universe and a potentially enemy. Therefore, if not treated by mental health professionals, the Paranoia of the accused can be dangerous both for themselves and for others, especially if the accused has military combat knowledge, as they could kill any person with whom the accused has fantasies of persecution or conspiracy. Other Paranoid symptoms of "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" is the difficulty in trusting other people, easily being offended, disability to handle criticism, acting defensively, believing that others lie, and to feel persecuted when stressful events such as being evaluated occur. This Paranoia of the accused is common, since it is a persecutory paranoia, by believing that the people around him are his enemies who conspire against him in order to harm him, which is why the paranoid psychotic usually reacts violently or by resorting to judicial institutions as well. But the accused "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" also seems to suffer from Paranoid grandiosity or megalomania, because these kind of individuals believe to be much more special, talented, influential and powerful than they really are. Obviously, contemplative practice and Mindfulness could help the accused, although he certainly prefers to attack genuine spiritual leaders who could help him heal from his pathologies. The accused's Paranoia shows signs of mental disorders, such as widespread distrust of those who can help him, unreasonably suspecting that spiritual masters will harm or deceive him, which is accompanied by unwarranted concerns and doubts about the loyalty of Buddhist institutions to which the paranoid assigns hidden and threatening meanings in the face of any kind of comments. In the Paranoia of "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" a pattern of suspicion and distrust is highlighted, which generates interpersonal problems and non lasting friendship relations. While at the first contacts with this kind of people they may seem rational, clinical evidence shows that Paranoia soon comes to light along with expressions of emotional instability, sarcasm, obstinacy and hostility to other people, accusing them of conspiring against the individual who is a paranoid psychotic. Since Paranoia does not allow to totally relying on others, this psychopathological condition has caused problems in the master-apprentice relationship, so that the accused has preferred to develop a feeling of autonomy, self-sufficiency and control even in a relationship in which is supposed that he must be open to learning and to be evaluated. By having narcissistic qualities, the paranoid psychotics do not seek psychological help to try to cure their situation, but can even attack those who have the professional and spiritual skills to help them. In this sense, the Buddhist Psychoanalysis could guide the accused toward the Cure (Nirvana), although Major Deepak Rao has preferred to further strengthen his delusions and even came to call himself a Psychoanalyst, which definitively nullifies any possibility of achieving the Awakening (Bodhi) of the unconscious Truth and thus generate adequate behavior in society. At the same time, while Major Deepak Rao's mates seem to show signs of suffering the same kind of delusional personality, the Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies do not behave like a support network that could help in the Cure (Nirvana) of a paranoid one, but rather behave like a network that strengthens the delusions of conspiracy of the paranoid individual, even coming to support the absurd and delirious idea that a spiritual master leads or is part of an international plot to want to cheat him. In short, it is confirmed the fact that the accused has not been declared "Insane" because in this case Paranoia would not be technically a disease, but rather would be part of the structure of his personality and his paramilitary lifestyle, being surely present from his very childhood. In order to guide and assist "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" to find peace and Cure, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee points out that the accused must understand that he has the right to have a personality disorder and his own pattern of behavior, although simultaneously he also has the social duty of having an adequate behavior within society, never attacking violently nor falsely accusing other people, otherwise he will be condemned to lack stable and prosperous relationships.
In conclusion, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee has the Purpose (Dharma) to protect the spiritual legacy of the Great Master Gautama, developing ethics that meets the Human Right to Peace at all times. The Purpose (Dharma) of the spiritual movement of Maitriyana is to protect peace and the Buddhist culture, ethically judging and sentencing those who violate the precept of non-violence and who also commit fraud by illegally usurping a spiritual status within Buddhism. Following Master Gautama, who developed the most peaceful and cultured International Spiritual Community in the history of the world, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee oversees that spiritual communities (sanghas) do not violate ethics, human rights and Buddhist teachings, never providing support to warlike activities nor committing fraud against the Buddhist Path, so that "Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group Tao Zen Dojo & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies" have been sentenced as Responsible for Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of Buddhist Peoples, Violation of the Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism and Crimes against Peace.

With spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
President and Spiritual Judge of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

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