

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Notice to Indian Defense Ministry

Case 47-2018: Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group “Tao Zen Dojo” & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy  & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies
NOTIFICATION to the Indian Defense Ministry
Dear Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman & Dr. Shubhash Bhamre, on September 8, 2018, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee hereby notifies you that Major Deepak Rao has been found in Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of the Buddhist Peoples, Violation of the Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism and Crimes against Peace, since it has been proven that this individual has carried out attacks, discriminations and defamations against the great Buddhist Community of the United Buddhist Nations Organization, besides the fact that he has also usurped spiritual titles and Buddhist cultural heritage when claiming that he is a Zen Master. Since Buddhist Law prohibits participation in violent, military and warlike activities, Major Deepak Rao has also been rejected from being member of Buddhism. In addition, the fact that serious symptoms of Paranoia have been found in Major Deepak Rao leads to the request concerning his honorary rank in order to be annulled within the Indian Army, whose moral status is being tainted by the presence of this psychotic paranoid individual. Therefore, since he has committed serious crimes to the International Buddhist Law, it is requested that Major Deepak Rao's Honorary Major Degree in the Territorial Army, which was granted in 2011 thanks to Army Chief General VK Singh, is voided.
Finally, it is recalled that the very Army Chief General VK Singh has stated in a 2011 interview that morality and the ethical value system is not an abstract concept in the Armed Forces, since it is the same basis on which was built the entire building of the Armed Forces, which are appreciated by the citizens of the country thanks to the strong ethical and moral values that the organization has. As Major Deepak Rao has committed crimes and misbehaviors that violate Buddhist Law, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee calls for the immediate nullification of Deepak Rao's honorary rank within the Indian Army.
With spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
H. E. Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
Judge and President of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee (IBEC) and Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights (BTHR)

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