

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Legal Act on Indian Army

Case 47-2018: Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary group “Tao Zen Dojo” & Academy of Combat Fitness & UCCA Commando Combat Academy  & ICS Fight Club Institute of Combat Studies

Legal Act on Indian Army

Dear GENERAL BIPIN RAWAT, On November 7, 2018, an International Repudiation Act is made to Deepak Rao, who holds the military rank of Honorary Major in the Territorial Army. This repudiation is because Major Deepak Rao & Paramilitary groups "Tao Zen Dojo" - UCCA Commando Combat Academy have been declared Responsible for committing Violation of International Buddhist Law, Violation of the Rights of Buddhist Peoples, Violation of Buddhist Ethical Precepts, Fraud, Militarism and Crimes against Peace. Major Deepak Rao has signed and then breached various Buddhist regulations and treaties, such as the Constitution of the United Buddhist Nations Organization, the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Buddhist Peoples and Spiritual Communities, and the Internal Law of the Maitriyana Buddhist Community. Major Deepak Rao has breached the most basic Buddhist ethical precepts, because besides committing the crimes of defamation and slander against the Buddhist Sangha, he has also participated in teaching how to commit killings, which violates the precepts of non-violence and non-lie. Major Deepak Rao has also committed fraudulent acts when publicly stating that he is a Zen Master and a Psychoanalyst, which is something that violates the cultural heritage of the latter disciplines. Finally, Major Deepak Rao leads paramilitary groups, which is forbidden by Buddhist Law, this being reason enough for immediate expulsion as a member of the Buddhist Sangha.
At the same time, the International Buddhist Ethics Committee has found that Major Deepak Rao has numerous symptoms of Paranoia, so that it jeopardizes the physical and mental health of everyone under his care. Indeed, paranoid psychotics are capable of committing significant amounts of violence when trapped in patterns of delusions and absurd beliefs, as Major Deepak Rao has behaved when attacking the United Buddhist Nations Organization. In short, Major Deepak Rao not only is not able to be part of the Buddhist Community, but is not even in adequate mental health conditions to instruct military, since this type of psychosis is very dangerous. The Indian Armed Forces can definitely verify the mental state of Major Deepak Rao, because he could be evaluated by means of the SSB exam, which is a special test to assess the psychological qualities of the individual.
The International Buddhist Ethics Committee declares that the Indian Army should cancel the honorary rank given to Major Deepak Rao, so that article 14 of the Army Rules of 1954 (Termination of service by the Central Government on account of misconduct) should be applied. Thus, GENERAL BIPIN RAWAT should understand that all illegal and immoral behavior by Major Deepak Rao is a stain upon the reputation and honor of the entire Indian Army, which is required to initiate an investigation and trial by means of a Martial Court.
Obviously, given the seriousness of this delicate matter, in case that GENERAL BIPIN RAWAT of the Indian Army decides to ignore the misbehavior of Major Deepak Rao, then the International Buddhist Ethics Committee will be forced to notify the Prime Minister of India in order that he makes an urgent intervention, by protecting the integrity of the International Buddhist Community (MahaSangha) as well as the integrity of the Indian Army, which could remember that the security, honor and welfare of the country should always be in the first place with regards to the comfort and safety of Deepak Rao.

Always with spirit of reconciliation (maitri),
Master Maitreya Samyaksambuddha
President and Judge of the International Buddhist Ethics Committee and Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

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